Mailerlite newsletter

After Mailerlite activation, all new users email will be send to Mailerlite database. In system you can create newsletter form and send newsletter for a lot of users. It is possible to import users emails from excel too.

In e-shop you can create subscription module. Users can unsubscribe the newsletter. They can accepted to get newsletter in registration form.


What you need, if you want to use?

- Ask us via email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it about discount code for our user. suggest for clients 30 % discount. .

- Make registration or contract in


1. Activation

1. Extensions > Plugin Manager > filter System - > fill in the form:

Enabled: tick Yes account - write account name and click button Check, after that fill in the fields (use the same values like in system).
Subscriptions provider - select provider: or
API Key - write API code (login into account and on the bottom of the website you will find API information)
Accept Field - leave vm_subscribe, this value you will use later in module
Custom Fields - leave the field empty
Enable Subscriptions after VirtueMart Registration - suggest a newsletter subscription after registration (Yes)
Group ID for Subscriptions from Virtuemart Registration - write your group ID (login into account and on the bottom of the website you will find API information)
Enable Subscriptions after VirtuaMart Product Ask - suggest a newsletter subscription after buyer is asking about product (Yes)
Group ID for Subscriptions from Virtuemart Shop Ask - write your group ID (login into account and on the bottom of the website you will find API information)
Enable Subscriptions after FastContact Form Submit - do not change the entry
Group ID for Subscriptions from FastContact Form - do not change the entry
Enable Subscriptions after JQuarks Who Form Submit - do not change the entry
Group ID for Subscriptions from JQuarks Form - do not change the entry

4. After changes click Save


2. Create subscription module

! Module is working just after Mailer plugin activation.

Click Extensions > Module Manager >click icon New on the top right > click the link Freeshop - > fill in the form:

Title - write the module name
Show title - tick Yes
Enabled - tick Yes
Position - select the position
Name Text - write Name
Email Text - write Email
Confirm Text - write text, which will see user after subscribe news. Example: We add your email in newsletter user list.
Group ID - write group ID from account.

After changes click Save

Module example:


3. Modify registration form

Site > Control Panel > Store Manager > left Menu Admin > Manage user fields > icon New on the top right

Create check box (single) field - user will see this field in registration form:

After changes click Save. Check the registration form, is this field visible.

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