In this section you will find information on the following topics:
- Articles
Create article section
Create article category
Create new article
Articles blog
Text editor
Disable additional information
- Translation
Enable languages
Translation tool
Module translation
Product translation
- Upload photos, video, files
Pdf, other file upload
Upload video instead of image
Upload video in text, artical
Upload images in text
- Main menu
Create artical link in main menu
Create artical link in right menu
Create main dropdown menu
- Create product module
- Create-text-module
- Edit active slider banners
- Create new slider banner
- Create static banner
- Create the link
- Menu link Top goods
- Create side bar
- Create pop up module
- Create Surveys
- Sticky info bar on page bottom - version
- Age verification - version
- Mega banner - version e-shop solution is regularly updated, developed and created according the SEO requirements. E-shops are placed on the our servers in Lithuania. Customer support is via e-mail in two languages: Lithuanian and English. Help instructions and consultations are free of charge.