E-shop mails templates

E-shop has automatic mails templates. Seller can edit or create new one in different languages.
We recommend that you review all templates and replace the logo.

! If you want to create new template - we recommend to copy existing and do changes. E-shop can have just one active template for one reason in one language.

Please note, that letters may be displayed differently in different mail systems. Therefore, by making the changes necessary to check the mails in different systems. Not all adjustments can be displayed the way you want, because mail systems used encoding limitations.


Letters types

Site > Control Panel > icon Freeshop > icon Mail templates

It can be system templates and custom templates.

System templates:

Shopper registration - you can create mail for buyer and seller about new registration.

Sending invoice - mail with invoice link. It will be send, if you will activate invoice.

Query about product - buyer click the link in product page Ask a question about the product and fill in query form. Buyer will get query confirmation mail. Seller will get mail, that buyer asking about product.

Product in stock notification - when the product quantity in the stock is 0, buyer will see button Notify me. After clicking this button, buyer enter his email. Seller will see this user: Site > Control Panel > icon Freeshop > icon Waiting list. When seller change the product quantity in the stock in e-shop, buyer will get mail about that.

Product download - mail is send, when the product is downloadable document. In mail you can find the documents link.

Order status update - mail is send, when the order status is changed.

Order confirmation - mail is send after new order. It's order confirmation mail for buyer and seller.

Custom templates - seller can send advertise mails for buyer.

Seni prisijungimai (Old login) - mail is send for user, which long time ago login into e-shop account.

Seni pageidavimų sąrašai (Old wishlist)- mail is send to user, which has product in wishlist.

Senai darytas užsakymas (Old purchase)- mail is send to use, which long time ago bought something.

Pamiršti krepšeliai (Forgotten cart)- mail is send to user, which has product in cart, but incomplete order.

! All emails templates are to buyer. Administrator can get private message (mail) about new registration, order or new query about product.


1. Create, edit system templates

Site > Control Panel > icon Freeshop > icon Mail templates > if you want to create new template, click the green plus icon near the template type name or you can copy the existing mail by clicking the copy icon.

If you want to edit the template, just click the template name link.

Make changes in the template form:

Subject – write the mail subject. You can use some of variables values (except values from additional elements: coupons and products).

Language Name – select the mail template language. If buyer will select this language in page and make, he will get all mails in that languages. That's why it is important, that all templates will be in different languages, which are used in page.

Purpose – select, who will get mail: buyer or administrator.

Published – tick Yes, if the mail will be send; tick No - if mail template is passive.

Content editor – write your mail content, edit existing content. You can use html, css languages, upload the picture or use variables values. There can be coupons gift or additionally you can display some products. ! Pay attention, that order confirmation mail and downloadable files mail have id order_product in product row (you must use this id in html code). The system will understand, that this row can be a list of elements, rather than a single value.

! You can test the mail. Write your email and click the button Test. System will send test mail. Pay attention, that system will not display products pictures, links; will not create coupons.


A. Variables values in mail template

- Variables values - you can find all variables values on the right of the template form. They are grouped: client, order, vendor, special variables values for special template. Next you can find additional elements: coupons, products.


Variables values is written in square brackets, example, [client_bt_first_name]. Mail will change this variables values code into information from client or order information. According example, mail will show the client name. If you want do not show values, if this values empty, then use IF condition


[if client_bt_first_name]
We now your name. It's [client_bt_first_name]
[endif client_bt_first_name]

If client has written the name in the purchase or account information, mail will show the sentence „We now your name. It's John. Otherwise nothing will be displayed.

! Pay attention, that order confirmation mail and downloadable files mail have id order_product in product row. The system will understand, that this row can be a list of elements, rather than a single value.

There is ability to specify the size of the variable image (width(x)height). Example, [order_product_image:100x100]


B. Additional elements: coupons

If mail will have code: [additional_coupons_code], system automatically will create the coupon according the parameters on the right of the template.


  • Coupon type – select the discount type: sum or percentage.

  • Value – write the coupon discount sum

  • Minimal cart value – write the minimum cart sum, from which to apply the coupon.

  • Times to use – select how many times client can use coupon at all.

  • Coupon start in days after creation – write the number

  • Coupon validity in days – write, how many days coupon will be available.

  • Exclude discounted products – tick the box, if the client can't use coupon for products with discount.

  • Create for products – select the products, which can have the coupon:

Featured – featured products

New – new products

Releated – related products (use only in order confirmation mail)

Also bought – products, which buy other clients together with this product (use only in order confirmation mail)

In wishlist – products, which are in wishlist

In user cart – products, which are in forgotten list

  • How many products – write, how many different products will have coupon

Sometimes coupon can't be created, because maybe you don't have featured or new product. That's why you can use IF condition: [if additional_coupons_code] ... [endif additional_coupons_code]

! It is necessary to specify the start and end date for coupon in template .

Coupon product name, image, description and price is described: [additional_products_name_1], [additional_products_name_2]. The number show the product number. Example, you want to create coupon for 4 products. You must use number 1, 2, 3 and 4 with name, description, image and price. Goods are collected randomly.

C. Additional elements: Products

The system can display randomly selected goods according the parameters on the right of the template. These products can be interesting to the client.


  • Show – how many products must be shown.

  • Show products – select the product type, which will be shown:

Featured – featured products

New – new products

Releated – related products (use only in order confirmation mail)

Also bought – products, which buy other clients together with this product (use only in order confirmation mail)

  • New product age – write the new product age.

  • Image width – write image width.

  • Image height – write image height.

  • Image resize methodimage reduction and display type.

The values code has serial number [additional_coupons_products_name_1].


2. Create, edit custom template

1. Create or edit custom template: Site > Control Panel > icon Freeshop > icon Mail templates > click the icon New on the top right . Write template name and code without Lithuanian letters and spaces.

Template creation rules are the same as in the systemic mails. Or you can edit or copy the templates.

2. Activate remarketing mail: Site > Control Panel > icon Freeshop > icon Global configuration > left menu click link Remarketing > select Yes on the row Remarketing is active and below write, how many days system must wait and send mail.

Once a day the system will check settings and send mails. These messages will have an unsubscribe link, clicking on which users will be removed from the mailing list remarketing.


If you've deleted the mail template and you can't create it correctly again?

Below you can find all mails template in html code:

Mail template in HTML code in Lithuanian >

Mail template in HTML code in English >

1. Open the file and copy mail code to notepad.

2. Open bad mail template and in text editor click HTML icon > delete old code and copy new one from notepad.

It is possible, that system will copy unnecessary code snippets and template still will be wrong. That's why you need to check your code in html with code in file.

After changes, please test the mail. Test will show you mail structure with some values.

E-shop rent services

Freeshop.lt e-shop solution is regularly updated, developed and created according the SEO requirements. E-shops are placed on the our servers in Lithuania. Customer support is via e-mail in two languages: Lithuanian and English. Help instructions and consultations are free of charge.

Partners integration

If you want to see integration description, please click the partner logo.