Order status, create order status

You can display order in two ways:
1. Click link Orders in the left menu

2. Site > Control Panel > Orders


1. List Orders

You can display all orders, filter orders according status, change the status, inform buyer about order changes.

! We recommended - do not delete the orders, because after deleting the items from the orders returns into storage and buyer can buy the items again.

2. List Order Status Types

You can display all order status, create new, edit the name of existing status. Pay attention on status Waiting payment (code P) - it's obligatory status.

Waiting payment - code P - it's status for new orders (you can change the name - please do not delete it).

Approved - code C - order can get this status automatically after Paysera.com or Paypal.com payments, if this status is checked in payments methods configuration.

Canceled - code X - if you select this status, item quantity will be return into storage and buyer can buy the items again.

Returned - code R - if you select this status, item quantity will be return into storage and buyer can buy the items again.

Delivered - code S - you can select this status, if the buyer get the item.

If you need, you can create a new order status and use it in order list. If you change the status and click button Update status, buyer will get the email with information about status changes.


3. Create new order status

3.1. Site > Control Panel > Orders > click Add Order Status Type and fill in the form:

Order status code - write the unique code. Please do not use existing codes.
Order status name - write the order name, which will see the buyer in the email.
Description - you can write order status description for your self.
List order - write the number of yours order status in the order status list.
Color - you can write the code of color, the order row with the status will have color (example #FFD800 - yellow)

3.2. After changes click icon Save.

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