Text editor

The e-shop has TinyMCE text redactor.

Text editor panel consists of 4 parts:

  1. Text formatting tools
  2. Text input / display window
  3. HTML tags imaging field
  4. Additional buttons

Text formatting tools

Text formatting tools
Bold Bold selected text.
Italic Converts the selected text into italic.
Underline Underline the selected text.
Strikethrough Crossed the selected text.
Align Left Aligns the text to the left.
Align Center Aligns the text in the center.
Align Right Aligns the text to the right.
Align Full Full text alignment.
Styles Allows the selected text or object assign CSS styles.
Format Allows you to choose the format of the selected text.
Font family Allows you to choose the font for the selected text.
Font size Allows you to choose the font size of the selected text.
Text upload tools
Cut Cut the selected text.
Copy Copy the selected text.
Paste Paste text.
Paste as Plain Text Paste as plain text.
Paste from Word Paste text from Microsoft Word.
Select All Select All.
Text search tools
Find This tool is designed to search for text in the editor.
Find/Replace This tool allows you to find and change your desired text with different text.
List insertion tools
Unordered list
This tool allows you to mark list rows with a graphic image.
Ordered list This tool allows you to numbered rows.
Text withdrawal
Outdent Move the line to the left.
Indent Move the line to the right.
Action Recovery
Undo This tool allows you to restore the last action performed.
Redo This tool allows you to restore the returned action.
Insert / edit tools
Insert/Edit link Create, edit link.
Unlink Remove selected link.
Insert/Edit anchor Create a bookmark in the text to which you can direct link. When you click on a link that directs to set up a tag, the text will automatically be moved up / down to the marked location.
Insert/Edit image This tool allows you to insert an image, as well as change its various parameters: the size of the description of the CSS styles, etc.
Cleanup messy code This tool cleans out your article not a proper code, which can occur when editing text or uploading it from other text editors.
Help TinyMCE text editor information and assistance.
Edit HTML Source This tool allows you to edit HTML code.
Tables Tools
Inserts a new table New table insert button.
Table row properties
Selected table row editing.
Table cell properties Editing selected table cell.
Insert row before Insert a new row above the selected.
Insert row after Insert a new row below the selected.
Delete row Delete the selected row.
Insert column before Insert a new column before the selected.
Insert column after
Insert a new column after selected.
Remove column Delete the selected column.
Split merged table cells Separated merged table cells.
Merge table cells
Merge selected cells in a table.
Insert horizontal ruler Insert a horizontal tab.
Remove formatting Clear the selected column formatting.
Togle guidelines / invisible elements Enable / disable the guidelines and invisible elements.
Other buttons
Subscript Format selected text as an index.
Superscript Display the selected text at the top.
Insert custom character Insert custom text character.
Emoticons Insert an emoticon.
Insert / edit embedded media Add / edit media insertion.
Horizontal rule The horizontal tab.
Direction left to right Text direction from left to right.
Direction right to left Text direction from right to left.
Toggle fullscreen mode Enable / disable a text editor to display on the screen.
Insert new layer Add a new layer.
Move forward Move the selected layer to the top.
Move backward Move the selected layer to the bottom.
Toggle absolute positioning Enable / disable the absolute positioning.
Edit CSS style Edit the selected item CSS styles.
Visual control characters on/off On / off control of visual symbols.
Insert non-breaking space character Insert a Continuous-space character (&nbsc;)


Text input / display window

This window displays the text of the article, as well as where you can edit the text and watch the changes.

! Text in text editor can be displayed different like text in website. We recommended after changes, view information in the wbsite.

HTML tags imaging field

This field shows the HTML tags.

Additional buttons

Upload images to the server and insert into text.

Insert a "New Page" tag. When you insert this tag, then The text is displayed on a new page.

Insert a "read more" tag. Before this tag will be displayed the introductory text, after this tag followed other articles text.

Turn off the graphical representation of the content of the article. Clicking this button displays the contents of article in HTML.

E-shop rent services

Freeshop.lt e-shop solution is regularly updated, developed and created according the SEO requirements. E-shops are placed on the our servers in Lithuania. Customer support is via e-mail in two languages: Lithuanian and English. Help instructions and consultations are free of charge.

Partners integration

If you want to see integration description, please click the partner logo.