Shop integrity system check e-shop configuration and inform you, where are mistakes, which can destroy your shop process. In the future, this system will be expanded and will include many more areas of store management.
1. Site > Control Panel > icon Freeshop
Right of the page you will find information about configuration in percentage. If you see less than 100 percent. It means, that you must correct some places in e-shop.
2. Click the button See detailed check
Open the window with two columns: Priority 1 ir Priority 2 su reikšmėmis.
If it will be mistakes in Priority 1 column, e-shop will be closed or buyer can not buy the products. If it will be mistakes in Priority 2 column, some settings will be display incorrectly.
If at the line is NO, it means there is mistake. Below you will find mistake description and explanation, how it should be corrected.
Priority 1
Site is enabled - if at the line is NO, it means, that e-shop is closed. Activate e-shop: Site > Global configuration > tab Site > row Site Offline tick No and click Save.
Have at least one published category - if at the line is NO, it means, that there is no one active category. Activate category or create new: Site > Control Panel > icon Category tree > in the category row click red cross icon. If there is no category, create: Instruction >
Have at least one product that can be baught - if at the line is NO, it means, that there is no active products or product quantity in the stock is 0. Create products: Instruction >
Have at least one published payment method - if at the line is NO, it means, that there is no active payment method. Activate it: Site > Control Panel > icon Payment methods > in the payment row click red cross icon. If you need, you can edit or create new one: Instruction >
Have at least one published shipping method - if at the line is NO, it means, that there is no shipping rates. Create shipper and shipping rate: Instruction >
All system mails have at least one published template for clients - if at the line is NO, it means, that not all automatic mail has active mail template. All mails have at least one active mail: Site > Control Panel > icon Freeshop > icon Mail templates > in the payment row click red cross icon.
There is at least one country in the system - if at the line is NO, it means, that there is no country list in the e-shop. Check: Site > Control Panel > icon Store manager > left menu Admin > List countries or inform us about it via email
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and we will help.
Priority 2
Site name changed from demo or is not empty - if at the line is NO, it means, that the shop name is empty or do not changed: Site > Control Panel > icon Freeshop > icon Global configuration > left menu Global > Vendor information > row Shop name
Mail From was changed or is not empty - if at the line is NO, it means, that the shop do not have mail sender email: Site > Global configuration > tab Server > row Mail from
From name was changed or is not empty - if at the line is NO, it means, that the shop do not have sender name: Site > Global configuration > tab Server > row From name
Vendor information is filled in - if at the line is NO, it means, that there is no vendor information: Site > Control Panel > icon Freeshop > icon Global configuration > left menu Global > Vendor information
Default currency is selected - if at the line is NO, it means, that you didn't select the default currency in e-shop: Site > Control Panel > icon Freeshop > icon Global configuration > left menu Global > Currency configuration
Configuration of buying without registration and which tab is open are not conflicting - if at the line is NO, it means, that you have possibility buy without registration, but your registration type isn't correct. Choose another one: instruction >
Configuration of giveaway points are correct - if at the line is NO, it means, that you create the branches, but you do not create and select branches category in the settings. Check: instruction > e-shop solution is regularly updated, developed and created according the SEO requirements. E-shops are placed on the our servers in Lithuania. Customer support is via e-mail in two languages: Lithuanian and English. Help instructions and consultations are free of charge.