
Category tree can help you faster to find the product and filter it. Category tree divides goods by common attributes .

For example, clothing store have these main categories: Clothing and Accessories. Clothing subcategories: Women, Men. Women subcategories: Dresses, Blouses, Pants, etc.


- Clothing
> Women
< Dresses
< Blouses
< Pants
> Men
< Shirts
< Costumes
- Accessories


Important! After activation you will find some test data (categories, products, manufacturers and etc.) in e-shop control panel.  We recommend to delete test data and create it again. If you edit them, the url links will be old. Then you must to renew the links in SEF tool.


Create category tree

1. Site > Control Panel > Category tree

2. Click the button New on the right top

3. First, enter a categories, then sub-categories.

Publish - tick the mark
Category name - enter the category or subcategory name
Description of the category - write the category description (the text will be visible in e-shop, under category name in category page)
Parent - if it's the main category, select Default Top Level; if it's subcategory, select a higher category. For example, subcategory Women - select a higher category Dresses .
Show x products per row - specify, how many items will be displayed in the row of that category. There may be 1, 2, 3, 4 or more products. The optimal number 3, or 4. The size of products picture can be changed.


4. Click tab Images > press the button Browse and upload photos of the category (png format, file size: less than 1000px x 1000 px) > Save

Photos will appear when you click on a menu link Catalog or go to a category page that has subcategories.

5. Click icon Save on the top right


Reorder, do passive, delete categories


  • Reordering - if you want to reorder the category list, you must click the floppy icon on the column Reorder and press the arrows (up / down) to change the ordering. After changes you must click on the floppy icon again.
  • Publication - if you want to turn on / off the category, you must click Publish image (the green check mark means that the category is published, the red cross means that the category is not published).
    Note: If you unpublish main category, subcategories wouldn't shown too.
  • Deleting categories - if you want to delete a category, select it in the box and click icon Remove.
    Note: If you delete category, you will delete all products in the same time. If you will need this category later, it's better to passive it.

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