Product copy

You will add the product faster, if you will use the product copy function.

1. Site > Control Panel > icon Product list > tick the product line and click the icon Copy

2. Write product SKU (code) and name > click icon Save on the top right

! Necessarily fill in product SKU (code) and name, because otherwise the page will generate the wrong page link.

3. Click on the new product name and fill in other information, browse new pictures.


If you enter the code (product SKU) and display the product, system will generate the wrong link. To edit a link, click on:
1. Components > SEF > View/Edit SEF URL > then write the end of the link in the box Filter SEF URLs and click enter in the keyboard > system will show you the link > tick the link and click icon Delete.
2. Components > SEF > icon Clean Cashe on the top right
3. Tools > Clean Cashe > tick all lines and click Delete
4. Open the product in the e-shop (frontend) and the system will generate the new correct url link, according the product name.

E-shop rent services e-shop solution is regularly updated, developed and created according the SEO requirements. E-shops are placed on the our servers in Lithuania. Customer support is via e-mail in two languages: Lithuanian and English. Help instructions and consultations are free of charge.

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