Products import from suppliers Acme, Also

About import component

System will take products from suppliers system once a day. Import will take products data from selected categories.

! This instruction describes, how to activate Acme import. Also and AlsoFTP imports have the same steps, thats why there is no separate instruction.

! AlsoFTP import doesn't gave images.


If you want to use import component, you need:

1. To do contract with suppliers ACME or ALSO and get account connections to data import (username, password and etc.).

2. Inform us via e-mail This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , that you need Acme or Also import component .

3. If you will use Also import - configure the import in Also system. Alsoftp instruction >



1. Click Components > Emart > Modules

2. Click the link Import Module

3. Click icon New on the top right > click the link ACC Product Import or ALSO Product Import

4. Fill in form:

Title - write import name.
Publiched - tick Yes
Module Parameters - enter your login into the system for import (Acme, Also, AlsoFTP).
Autolearn Product Types - tick Yes, if you want, that system automaticaly identificate product type and parameters from import system database and create it in e-shop.
! If you have import from different suppliers, some parameters can have different values (e.g., type notebooks may have parameter the HDD from one supplier and Storage from other). You can standardize (reconfigured parameters data) the parameters manually.

5. Click Advanced Parameters:

Price formulaprice formula. $base_price * 1.2 = price from supplier + 20overcharge.
Price Custom Code – price formula in programming language. Example: if ($base_price < 100) {$prices[] = array($base_price*1.2, 5, 0, 100);}, means - if the price is less than 100, then add 20 % overcharge for default buyer group; 5 - product group id; limit the number of products from 0 to 100 for one purchase.
Discount ID – Discount ID will be adapted for all products.
Tax ID - Tax ID will be adapted for all products.

Tax ID you can take from: Site > Control Panel > icon Store Manager > left meniu link Tax > List Tax Rates > click on the tax rate name and in the URL you can find the tax ID (example below)

Supplier Code, Vendor, Part Numbersuch data can help you to filter products parameters, which are supported by the supplier system.
Rewrite Product Names – tick Yes, if you want overwrite product name during import.
Rewrite Product Description – tick Yes, if you want overwrite product description during import.
Trust Recommended Price – tick Yes, if you want take supplier recommended price. If you will change these price in e-shop control panel, next import will overwrite the price.
Forse Overwrite – tick Yes, if you want overwrite all data during import.

6. Click icon Save on the top right

7. Create Category tree: Site > Control Panel > Category tree (see instruction >)

8. Components > Emart > Modules > click the import name  > click the icon Categories

9. Click the button Update Classification (first time)

Update Classification – click the button and system will import all categories link.
Publish – tick the row and click button Publish - category import will be active.
Unpublish – tick the row and click button Unpublish - category import will be inactive.
Delete – tick the row and click button Delete - category link will be deleted.
Edit – tick the row and click button Edit - it opens category page.
Cancel – cancel changes.
Column Title - click on the category name and change the category settings.

10. Click the category name > tick Yes in row Published > select the category in Link Category area > fill in Advanced parameters area, if there is different settings > click button Save.

Save – save changes and close the page.
Apply - apply changes, but the page leave open.
Cancel – close the window without changes.

– tick Yes, if you want to publish category.
Link Category – select category for import. Products from that category will be in your category page.

Advanced Parameters
– fill in additional values (settings):
Price formulaprice formula. $base_price * 1.2 = price from supplier + 20overcharge.
Price Custom Code – price formula in programming language. Example: if ($base_price < 100) {$prices[] = array($base_price*1.2, 5, 0, 100);}, means - if the price is less than 100, then add 20 % overcharge for default buyer group; 5 - product group id; limit the number of products from 0 to 100 for one purchase.
Discount ID – Discount ID will be adapted for all products.
Tax ID - Tax ID will be adapted for all products.

Tax ID you can take from: Site > Control Panel > icon Store Manager > left meniu link Tax > List Tax Rates > click on the tax rate name and in the URL you can find the tax ID (example below)

Supplier Code, Vendor, Part Numbersuch data can help you to filter products parameters, which are supported by the supplier system.
Rewrite Product Names – tick Yes, if you want overwrite product name during import.
Rewrite Product Description – tick Yes, if you want overwrite product description during import.
Trust Recommended Price – tick Yes, if you want take supplier recommended price. If you will change these price in e-shop control panel, next import will overwrite the price.
Forse Overwrite – tick Yes, if you want overwrite all data during import.

! System will make import once a day. If you will change price in products, next day import overwrite your changes. .



Product types for filter

If you tick Yes in Autolearn Product Types - you don't need configurate product types. You must just publish types rows.

1. Create products types and parameters (for example, type refrigerators; parameters: energy class, color, freezer type, etc.) manually or some imports can create it automatically. Later you can use parameters to create product filter.

2. Components > Emart > Modules > click the import name  > click the icon Product Types

3. Open the window

Update Classification – click the button and system will import all categories link.
Publish – tick the row and click button Publish - category import will be active.
Unpublish – tick the row and click button Unpublish - category import will be inactive.
Delete – tick the row and click button Delete - category link will be deleted.
Edit – tick the row and click button Edit - it opens category page.
Cancel – cancel changes.
Column Title - click on the category name and change the category settings.

4. Click the supplier name

Save – save changes and close the page.
Apply - save changes, but leave the page open.
Import Parameters – take parameters from suppliers.
Autocreate Product Type – create the parameters type and click the button Import Parameters to import parameters.
Cancel – close the window without changes.

– tick Yes, if you want that parameters will be published.

Link Type – select the e-shop type.
Type Map – select parameters.


5. Type and parameters name you can change: Site > Control Panel > Store Manager > left meniu Administration > Products > Product type list

6. If you have import from different suppliers, some parameters can have different values (e.g., type notebooks may have parameters the HDD from one supplier and Storage from other). You can standardize (reconfigured parameters data) the parameters manually.

Example: you can delete the parameter Storage and in import parameters instead of storage parameter select HDD parameter.

E-shop rent services e-shop solution is regularly updated, developed and created according the SEO requirements. E-shops are placed on the our servers in Lithuania. Customer support is via e-mail in two languages: Lithuanian and English. Help instructions and consultations are free of charge.

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